100K Challenge by Abida Meerasa
SHEIN has been my go-to clothing website for a couple of years now! The website offers a wide variety of clothes that cater to a broad audience. It is easy for me to find clothes at this store that fit my unique style, which is difficult at other stores.
When I saw the 100K ad, I became excited. It was late when I saw it, so I had little time to make 3 sketches. I enjoy designing and have recently started working with print-on-demand products. I am looking for a company that works like print-on-demand but also lets designers customize the clothes. As soon as I saw this opportunity, I was thrilled. I'm glad I found it in time.
I would love to pursue a career in fashion design, specifically textiles. I'm drawn to pattern making because of my experience with henna art, as you'll see in my Instagram feed.
The opportunity provided by SHEIN has motivated me to continue working toward my dream. I would be honored to work for SHEIN and add to the variety of unique clothing available.
Design One: Geometric 

Design Two: Red Carpet
Design Three: Edgy and Floral